Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've always loved crafts. As a kid I cross stitched, made jewelry, and did whatever else I could get my hands on. For one of my little cousins I cross stitched an 8x10 birth sampler when I was 12.

These days knitting, some crocheting, a tiny bit of hand sewing take up a lot of my time. Baby hats are my go to project for new little ones, but the volume of babies has me a little bored. The 2010 baby count is up to 13- 9 local (including 2 sets of twins), 1 family member, and 1 from a special group of friends. Combine that with the fact that I'm pregnant meaning a crazy combination of oh so tired/must clean and organize the whole house in the next hour/who replaced my fingers with sausages and I'm about to have a baby who needs to be decked out in mama made goodies. Blankets take me forevah, as do most non baby hat things I like, so I've been branching out with the baby gifts.

So far for our baby I've made:
A burgundy sweater (minus the buttons/button hole)
A diaper soaker and
A little vest

One baby got a blanket. I wasn't pregnant when I learned about him and cast on and there was only one to make something for so I went for it.

Hats have been made for both sets of twins. One of these, two of another I can't find, and one pretty standard baby beanie.

I don't know what I've done with them but there's also been lots of exploration with booties.

For the unborn twins I want to add a little something more. I'm thinking basketballs on the front with mom's college number on the back. If it's not one of those crafts that seems really easy until you actually do it all of the babies may be getting them.

These are also way too cute to not make at least one. I'm thinking one for our boy and one for each of the neighborhood girls who will book end him. And maybe one for grad school friend's little boy.

Then there are these. Craft + re-purposing + cute. After caterpillars I may move on to butterflies.

These are just the projects on the top of my mind. Our baby also needs (in the mama is neurotic and must make these things herself kind of way) a blanket, some booties, a few hats and maybe one more sweater.

Did I mention that I also want to learn to sew?

Anyone want to come clean my house so I can use the nesting energy for better purposes?

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